Friday, December 16, 2005

Message Board Installation Completed

A few minutes back I was informed by Bhushan and Arun that message board installation was completed. I have started testing the installation and has suggested them to create some forums. We will have a detailed discussion today evenings in Office of DoS. Configuring and testing of this board will be done in the coming week.


Library Needs to be Kept Open Round-the-clock

To DoAC,

There is some feedback about closing the library earlier during the week
at the year-ending.

Since a good reading room and discussion room facility is made available
to students, more and more number of students have started using these
places for studying, not only during examination period but also rest of
the year. Now students feel that earlier closing of library during
year-ending will cause a great inconvenience. Good thing is many have
formed habit of studying that environment which is certainly good sign as
far as their academic progress is concerned and I am sure that you will
certainly appreciate that the students should be encouraged by all
possible means to study as much as possible with full focus. Keeping
library open round the clock will be an important measure towards this.

I am forwarding a representative email from Ashok, a post-graduate student of Chemical Engg. There are many more students, including myself, who echo with Ashok's views.

May I humbly request to reconsider your decision and keep library open to students for the whole day. Albeit, there may be put a time constraint on the book transactions.

With best regards
Member of Library Advisery Committee
